Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Sweet Potato Harvest 2009

Beauregards, White Yams, and a Maine native that really has no official name other than K-50.

For this being my first try growing sweet potatoes in Bowdoinham I feel pretty good with the harvest.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Chicken killin' & September Cows

We processed the birds we raised for ourselves on Labor day, a few pictures of the grand occasion. Pete did most of the plucking while I did all the gutting and cleaning.

The cows enjoyed their time in our north field. Quite a bit in fact.

They're calling for snow in northern Maine tomorrow afternoon. Most of the garden has been harvested. Tonight I dug the rest of my sweet potatoes and I'll post those pictures in the next day or so.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


It finally feels like summer in Maine, with autumn right on it's heels. With weeks, yes WEEKS, of uninterrupted sunshine we were able to finish off the hay season on the 6th of September.

Pete and I baled up 500+ over the labor day weekend.

Coming this month:
Sweet Potato Harvest!

Chicken Processing!

and of course more pictures of the sheep and cows...

Monday, July 13, 2009

Fifth wettest June on Record

The timothy is like broom straw...

So I'm a better farmer than I am a blogger, which I believe is a good thing. That being said I apologize for the lack of posts in the month of June. I blame it on the soggy weather. Rain, gray skies, wood stove fires keeping kitchens warm in the morning, things that shouldn't be connected with Maine on the longest day of the year.

But with a two and a half day stretch of fairly good weather we cut the ridge of our north field. It's thin and should dry pretty quickly. Today being day two of the nice weather we had a sudden thunder storm blow up and dropped heavy rain and hail for five minutes this afternoon. Another tedding before the sun went down.

If you don't like the weather in Maine, just wait a minute, it'll change...seriously this set of pictures was taken in a two minute period.

We did have some wild west visitors during June and they had a pretty good time, click here to see...

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Hoop House and Maine Sweet Potatoes!

Got our hoop house built and finished up almost completely on June 7th. Some sweet potatoes are in and more are on their way. Come by in September and we should have a whole bunch!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Springtime in Maine

Like you might expect Maine weather is never predictable nor dependable. Sunny days when rain is forecasted and rain when, well rain quite often. The pastures are still a bit soggy but the clearing/cleaning project for our east pasture is moving at a brisk pace. The cows and calves have been moved to a temporary oval pasture in the west mainly because they've been bawling for grass...and Jimmo and Lolabell made a late afternoon escape for the fresh spring clover.

The Bowdoinham Farmer's Market begins May 23 and we will have lamb meat products, eggs, and wool. The market is located in the Merrymeeting Grange at 27 Main Street and is open from 9 - 1. For more information of other vendors go to: http://www.bowdoinham.com/farmersmarket

Sunday, May 3, 2009

no sitting around

May 1st we got all those little lambs separated from their mommas. 48 hours of non-stop baa-ing.

May 2nd and the asparagus is beginning to poke forth from the soil. two shoots for dinner tonight, more by the end of the week for sure.

We've begun expanding the garden slightly - making more room for more potatoes, sweet corn, and asparagus. Finally we spread some black gold over the garden....